Mehrab Gichki, fugitive killer of journalist Shaheena Shaheen, is tipped off before every police raid so he can flee
Shaheena Shaheen, a 28-year-old journalist, women's rights activist and artist from Makran was shot dead by her husband Mehrab Gichki with two bullets through the head in a government building in Turbat, the capital of Kech, on September 5, 2020. Mehrab Gichki dumped the body near the hospital and fled.
Shaheena presented a morning program on PTV Bolan and was also the editor of a Balochi magazine "Dazguhar."
After almost two years, the police in Turbat have not yet been successful in arresting Mehrab Gichki. Shaheena's sisters complain that the authorities are giving them false hope and are not serious about arresting the murderer. Police say that "every time they make a raid to arrest him, the suspect is tipped off and flees."
Mehrab Gichki is powerful and rich and is likely to pay money to corrupt cops who warn him in time when the police have planned a raid.
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