نارگس اچکزی کی عزت کے نام پر قتل۔ ایک پردہ پوشی۔ ایک زمانی لائن۔

نارگس اچکزی کی عزت کے نام پر قتل۔ ایک پردہ پوشی۔ ایک زمانی لائن۔ پندرہ سال قبل، 23 سالہ نارگس اچکزی جو کہ زیسٹ کی رہائشی تھیں، انتہائی دردناک طریقے سے اپنی جان سے گئیں: جل کر۔ سب سے زیادہ ذکر کیے جانے والے محرکات عزت پر مبنی تشدد اور ایک قانونی تنازعہ ہیں، لیکن […]

Report on femicide in Iran (2022)

What is an honour killing? An honour killing is a murder in the name of honour. If a brother murders his sister to restore family honour, it is an honour killing. According to activists, the most common reasons for honour killings are as the victim: refuses to cooperate in an arranged marriage. wants to end […]

Indian state introduces new rules to prevent honour killings

What is an honour killing? An honour killing is a murder in the name of honour. If a brother murders his sister to restore family honour, it is an honour killing. According to activists, the most common reasons for honour killings are as the victim: refuses to cooperate in an arranged marriage. wants to end […]

17-year-old Zhinwar M. disappeared in Iraq: Police investigate her family

What is an honour killing? An honour killing is a murder in the name of honour. If a brother murders his sister to restore family honour, it is an honour killing. According to activists, the most common reasons for honour killings are as the victim: refuses to cooperate in an arranged marriage. wants to end […]

Forced marriages during the vacation season

What is an honour killing? An honour killing is a murder in the name of honour. If a brother murders his sister to restore family honour, it is an honour killing. According to activists, the most common reasons for honour killings are as the victim: refuses to cooperate in an arranged marriage. wants to end […]